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In primo piano


ENGLISH VERSION'S FORWARD La recette en Français est vers le bas 'Se pensi alla strada che devi percorrere ti trovi tremendamente a disagio e la vita diventa troppo complicata. Se smetti di pensare e cominci invece a camminare, il tuo fardello si alleggerisce e inizi a intuire il tuo percorso, a scoprire una tua visione' Osho ' Cencio ' in dialetto toscano significa straccio e qui dalle mie parti, i cenci sono dei biscotti fritti, che vengon cucinati durante il periodo del Carnevale. Dolci simili son diffusi in tutta Italia, presentando leggere varianti nella ricetta. Si trovano in versione fritta, ma anche in quella cotta in forno, si trovano nei forni e nelle pasticcerie, e anche sui banchi dei supermercati. Il sapore però che ho nel mio patrimonio e nella memoria delle mie papille gustative è il sapore di quelli che faceva la mia nonna, erano croccanti, poco unti ed avevano un leggero aroma di limone. Non ho la sua ricetta ahimè, ma quella

Special Cooking Lessons with The Chef!

One month ago, some of you asked me about some posts about cooking shows or cooking lessons, so I appreciated it and would like today, to dedicate them a post!
Taking part to a cooking course or a simple lesson is always something that gives us much more knowledge about food in general and not only about the single recipes!
It's also the chance to enchance creativity and fantasy!
I still remember my first cooking lesson at Cordon Bleu a lot of years ago, when I learnt how to make croissants and briosche! :-)
In all the posts below, you'll find recipes and picts of different passages to reach the final effect!

Maria Probst is the chef of one of the most famous restaurants in Tuscany: Tenda Rossa is the name and the recipe you'll find in the post is a meat truffle with red fruits jelly and a crunchy

Massimo Mentasti is a young chef and the recipe he proposed is a very yummy 'schiacciata', just click HERE to see the post!

Silvia Baracchi is the chef of a wonderful Relais in Cortona and the recipe is one of the tipical recipes from tuscany tradition: gnudi, who means 'naked' considering the filling of ravioli!

Giuseppe Mancino teachs us how to prepare a high experience cooking recipe, I'm sorry the post is only in Italian, but I'm going to translate it a.s.a.p.! It's a very composit dish with shrimps and almond with veggies

Enrico Fiorentini is the chef at Sheraton Malpensa in Milan, and I took 2 cooking lessons with him, here you're the first, a little turkey 'bag' with meat filling

Second recipe by Enrico Fiorentini, fish and veggies, with surprise!

Hope you'll enjoy them! See you soon! :-)

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